Joining a larger movement

If you were led by your intention to create wholeness, how would you lead?

Probably the most important indication of profound professional change is the moment we begin to see our own leadership contribution as part of a larger movement towards sustainability in the world. As we serve a larger goal we may only see a small, albeit important part – the contribution we can make. This may serve our own growth in the sense that we need to enhance our own potential to contribute. But with a redefined leadership contribution our focus has shifted as our own maturation is embedded in serving the long-term goal of sustainability that – as we discover – requires iterative learning and agility.

center_by Rosmarie Wirz

We do not need to enjoy our own greatness; we do not thrive on resonance with our own success. Neither do we feel dependent on our personal advancement or afraid of our failure. Serving sustainability goals is a shift into outer action, yet the actually shift takes place inside our mind and might be so subtle that it is not evident to other people. A manager from a large company once told me: “The moment I started engaging with sustainability initiatives, I did not feel alone anymore. I felt part of a larger movement of change. I suddenly saw so many others struggling with similar challenges.”

With more emphasis on enhancing each other’s potential we look differently at our leadership journey. We notice we can actually support each other’s journeys and as we do so we might gradually notice that our own journey grows stronger. Connectivity and interdependence are no longer theoretical constructs. They have a direct bearing on the way we perceive change in our own lives and in our endeavor to lead. Building resonance becomes the cornerstone of our way of influencing. We might have been leading in this way all along – creating relationships, enhancing authenticity in people, listening for what wants to emerge, listening to people, looking for common ground, being open, engaging, creating shared meaning, living empathy.

But now the context is different. We are less fragmented and have become more stable in following our path. When we begin to see our part in the evolutionary process we might realize more clearly that leading takes place collectively. This does not free us from taking a stand and knowing where we want to go – but it equips us to stay in dialogue with ourselves, with others and with life.

Let us start the week with awareness in action, and begin to notice:

  • What are my opportunities to lead sustainability initiatives?
  • How do I support others leading towards sustainability?


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