The six competencies of Collective Leadership


Inspiring and empowering others, staying open-minded, observing trends, developments and new knowledge, going beyond problem diagnose, sensing and enacting future possibilities, following-through, taking a stand for sustainability.

This audio recording explains it in more detail:  The collective leadership competence 1 – future possibilities


Building meaningful stakeholder engagement processes that create trust and cohesion, invigorating network connections, fostering collective action that leads to tangible outcomes and enhanced collective impact.

This audio recording explains it in more detail:  The collective leadership competence 3 – Engagement


Venturing into the unknown, driving excellence, fostering creativity, acknowledging diverse expertise, building a climate of trust-based co-creation and developing the potential to spot innovative solutions to sustainability challenges.

This audio recording explains it in more detail:  The collective leadership competence 4 – Innovation


Acknowledging diversity in the world and in humanity, accessing our humanity in ourselves and in others, creating an atmosphere of mutual respect, cultivating reflection, attending to inner balance.

This audio recording explains it in more detail:  The collective leadership competence 2 – humanity


Respecting difference, inviting diverse perspectives, experiences and viewpoints for better solutions, fostering structured dialogue, valuing contributions, ensuring iterative learning.

This audio recording explains it in more detail:  The collective leadership competence 3 – Collective Intelligence


Placing our actions in a larger context, opening up to seeing the bigger picture of a situation, acting in favour of the common-good, continuously improving our contribution to sustainability, creating networks of mutual support.

This audio recording explains it in more detail:  The collective leadership competence 6 – Wholeness

“In order to make collective leadership work you need to have less ego, but sufficient enough selfishness and the knowledge that collaboration can meet your needs far better than going it alone.”                                                                                                                       

For each of the six competencies to come to life there are three elements requiring attention. They all contribute to strengthening the individual capacity for navigating the challenges and help a group of leaders stay on track in complex multi-actor settings. They strengthen the capacity of a collective to become more effective in driving the change sustainability requires.

One thought on “The six competencies of Collective Leadership

  1. Pingback: The six competencies of Collective Leadership | Making engagement, collaboration, & teamwork easier for everyone with smart technology

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